Rethinking Dinner

Isn’t it funny how sometimes we get so caught up in the way things have always been or the way we think things are supposed to be that we actually lose sight of what is really important? I was reminded of that today and, as a result, I’m rethinking dinner and getting back to the basics.
I was chatting with one of my sisters on the phone this morning and we got on the topic of dinner. Like perhaps many of you, I typically pair some sort of entree with a bowl of leafy greens, and sometimes another vegetable, on the side. However, I mentioned to her that tonight I was planning to serve my family a mix of items from my CSA basket. We ended up being away from home more than I expected over the weekend and even though I’d packed several coolers of food to take with us, there were some vegetables I just didn’t get to because I knew they wouldn’t travel as well. As a result, I’m currently stocked with more produce than usual and I pick up a new basket tomorrow.
I actually laughed as I told her what we’d be having:
Bok choy, prepared as a warm salad;
Eggplant, which I plan to smoke, roast and serve as a dip with raw vegetables; and
Delicata squash, roasted with a side of rice.
Quite a list, isn’t it?
Not your typical meal by any stretch. In fact, about the only thing the items on my menu have in common is that they all traveled to my home in the same CSA basket.
Do you know what the funny thing is, though? As I laughed at myself, I realized that this may just be one of the healthiest meals I serve this week. And isn’t that what our journey toward better health is all about?
Who says we have to prepare traditional meals – complete with entree, side and salad – in order to improve our health? It’s the nutrients we include in our meal that are important, and this meal is loaded with them. It’s also bursting with color.
I’m calling tonight’s dinner my CSA Smorgasbord, and I have my five-year-old nephew to thank for the creative name. Little buddy, this one’s for you. I only wish you and your family lived closer so we could enjoy it together.
Do you have plans to leap from tradition tonight? If so, I’d love to hear what you are preparing for dinner. Please share in the comments below.