I'm passionate about living a healthy lifestyle.
I love my family more than anything.
I thrive on getting up at dawn to run in the mountains.
And I have a weakness for cookie dough. Thank goodness for the running!
If you had asked me years ago where I’d be today, I’d have missed the mark by a long shot. At the time, I was a management strategy consultant working for one of the top firms in the country, developing customer service strategies for the nation’s top banks and brokerage firms. I had a job that was lucrative, challenging and exciting. I loved it.
However, when our first son was born, I quickly realized that I no longer wanted to travel every week and work hundreds of miles from home. I took a leave of absence, and eventually followed my heart and left my consulting position to become a full-time mom.
As much as I loved my new role, though, something was missing and I just couldn’t seem to put my finger on it.
And then I lost my father very suddenly to pancreatic cancer. I loved him beyond words and his absence created a huge emptiness in my soul. I turned to running to deal with my pain and sadness, and as the weeks passed and the miles grew, I slowly started to find my way. But it wasn’t until I discovered the trails in the mountains that surround my home that I finally began to find peace.
I fell in love with the comfort, protection and solitude that running through nature provided, and gradually began running longer and longer distances. As my mileage grew, I discovered that I needed to learn how to better fuel my body in order to meet the demands I was placing on it.
I began reading everything I could about nutrition, and with each new change I made to my diet I saw immediate improvements in both my performance and recovery. Most importantly, I had more energy and felt better than ever before. I removed products from our home that were filled with artificial ingredients, chemicals and toxins and I began talking to our boys about where our food comes from and how we can make better choices.
Over the years, I have patiently followed a strategy of making small, incremental changes to our diet and lifestyle and the rewards have been tremendous. I keep things simple: no diets, no expensive products or treatments. Just one small step at a time. And as a result, we are healthier than we've ever been and have the strength and energy to meet the demands of our very active lives.
After a lot of soul searching, it finally became clear what I had been looking for: I wanted to show others how to find the energy they need to meet the challenges they face every day, whatever they may be. And in the process, I wanted to show them how to get more out of life … while enjoying it more than ever before.
I have since had the pleasure of helping clients of all ages meet goals ranging from improving their athletic performance, to navigating hormonal changes and symptoms, to implementing dietary and lifestyle recommendations to address long-term disease.
And I would love to work with you.