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Tagged: healthy eating

Thai Cucumber Noodles

Prior to moving to California, we lived in Chicago for nine years. We lived in a neighborhood we loved, filled with amazing restaurants and we definitely had our favorites. But when family and friends came to visit, it was often challenging to find a restaurant that everyone could agree upon. As a...

Spiralized Turnip Fiesta Bowls

I’m a bit late to the spiralizing party. I began seeing recipes pop up online several months ago, but didn’t pay much attention to them. My kitchen is full of small appliances, and I just wasn’t sure purchasing a spiralizer would be worth the investment. I was wrong. I did...

Worried you’re not getting enough protein?

Are you worried that you’re not getting enough protein, or maybe a little unsure about how much you should include in your diet? I get it. There’s a lot of conflicting information out there regarding protein requirements. My clients are often surprised to hear that I don’t really track my protein...

White Bean and Kale Dip

I have to admit, this white bean and kale dip happened out of desperation. My 11-year-old loves to pack hummus in his lunch. I intended to soak chickpeas last night and cook them today in my slow cooker so he could take hummus in his lunch tomorrow. But I forgot, and was forced to...

Why I don’t believe in Counting Calories

I get so many questions about calories and about the proper ratio of carbohydrates to protein to fat. The truth is, I don’t believe in counting calories and I don’t think you should either. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve done my share of counting calories. Over the years, I bought into many...