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Why I Love My CSA

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10 Responses

  1. Amy Mack says:

    Great post, Holly! I’ve been struggling to add variety in our diet and this seems like the perfect solution, plus I love the idea of supporting local farmers! Do you have any tips for preparing unfamiliar items? Thanks!

    • Holly Anderton says:

      Thank you! Joining a CSA will definitely help. I wasn’t adventurous at all when it came to produce prior to joining my CSA! I was pretty intimidated by new items at first, until I realized what is the worst that can happen? I may not have prepped those items the first time exactly like a trained chef would, but the nutrients were still there and that is what matters! And it definitely gets easier over time. A quick search online will generally bring up videos featuring helpful instructions, and the index in the back of your favorite cookbook is a great place to find a recipe that features that item. If you get stuck, just let me know! I’m always happy to share recipes and tips!

  2. Stacy g says:

    I’m interested but wonder how much it costs and if you can trade things you know you won’t use with things that you will use?

    • Holly Anderton says:

      Hi Stacy! Prices vary depending on basket size, frequency, and whether you choose pick-up or delivery. In my case, I pick up a regular-sized basket at South Coast Farms every week. I pay quarterly and the baskets are $33 each and contain approximately 15-20 items. And yes, you are allowed to swap an item if there is something you think you won’t use. However, I’ve found that this has been a great opportunity to experiment with produce that we’ve never tried before and/or is not in our usual rotation, so I encourage you to be adventurous!

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