Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!
My boys haven’t arrived home from school yet, so I don’t have a Halloween photo to share. But I love this tag I found on the kale I purchased at Whole Foods this morning and had to share it with you.
I was out of kale and didn’t have time to run to the farm, so I made a quick stop at Whole Foods instead. I’m so excited to see that they’ve started labeling their produce with the name of the farm where it is grown. I love knowing exactly where the food I feed my family is coming from, and the fact that there is a story behind it makes it even better.
But back to the kale. Yes, I am taking kale salad to the party we’re attending tonight. Shocking, isn’t it?!? But really it’s a no brainer.
It’s my last chance to get a bowl full of greens and healthy fats into my boys before the candy craziness begins, and there was no way I was going to pass up the opportunity.
I might not be able to keep them from eating more sugar than I’d like tonight, but I can definitely minimize the effect it has on them.
So yes, I volunteered to bring a salad. But not just any salad. This Quick Kale Avocado Salad just happens to be everyone’s favorite. If you haven’t tried it yet, you can find the recipe here. It’s quick and easy to make, and will definitely make a kale lover out of you if you aren’t already. It’s always a hit, even with those who don’t usually like kale, and I guarantee there won’t be any leftovers.
Did I mention you can make it in 10 minutes?
You still have time!
Get your kiddos off to a healthy start tonight. And let me know what you think in the comments below!
Happy Halloween!!!